Reese Erlich

Rohingya Crisis

-by Reese ErlichI sneaked into Myanmar on a tourist visa because the military junta running the country made it almost impossible to travel as a journalist. So I thought I was the only foreign reporter in the capital of Yangon in July of 1995.I was relaxing one morning when BBC TV ran a bulletin that famous opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi had just been released from house arrest.

China Trade

by Reese ErlichWhen I first reported from China in 1980, bicycles outnumbered cars on Beijing's major streets, and the tallest building in town was a 25-story hotel. I visited a small village that had one black and white TV, which everyone watched at night.Today China's major cities are jammed with modern factories, skyscrapers, and large public transportation networks.

Netanyahu, Putin And Trump-- Jockeying For Power In Syria

by Reese ErlichRussian bombs rained down on towns of southern Syria as an estimated 320,000 civilians fled for their lives. Over the past several weeks tens of thousands walked to the Jordanian and Israeli borders hoping to escape the onslaught.Rula Amin, a spokesperson for the UN refugee agency UNHCR, based in Jordan, told me the displaced people left their homes with few belongings and are sleeping in the desert.