Red to Blue

Most 2018 DCCC Recruits Are Being Endorsed By The Chamber Of Commerce-- Meet Next Year's Chamber Endorsees

2018 DCCC recruit Jeff Van Drew is honest enough to be running for reelection as a Republican. Other 2018 DCCC recruits are being endorsed by the US Chamber of Commerce. Maybe someone needs to change the DCCC-- drasticallyProgressivePunch has awarded grades of "F" to 108 Democrats in Congress. 35 of them are part of the the most right-wing freshmen class in the history of the modern Democratic Party.

Massachusetts Got Bluer Yesterday As Democrats Flipped Two Of The Last State Senate Seats (In Trump Districts)

Man In The Middle by Nancy OhanianPeople think of Massachusetts as an all blue state. It isn't. There's a Republican governor. And although Hillary won in a landslide in 2016, Trump still got over a million votes (33.5%). And in 2018, Republican Geoff Diehl won 36.2% of the vote statewide against Elizabeth Warren in the U.S.

Red to Blue As A Weapon Against Progressives-- Part I

Democratic campaigns are almost always eager to be added to the DCCC's Red to Blue list. Only novices think that being on that list means the DCCC will automatically contribute money towards the race. The DCCC-- and Pelosi's House Majority PAC-- spend millions of dollars towards some of those candidates' races, but not towards most of them.

Good Candidates Don't Accept DCCC Endorsements In Primaries

Worth 10 DCCC Red to Blue EndorsementsThe DCCC claims to be neutral in primaries but always puts its fingers on the scale for corrupt conservatives from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, Blue Dogs and New Dems, never for progressives. The DCCC favors wealthy self-funders and "ex"-Republicans. They recruit them and back them and help them disadvantage candidates from working class backgrounds. Is the DCCC anti-union?

Opportunity For Clinton Victory In Texas? Don't Buy The Hype

Although educated women in the Texas Republican heartland-- the suburban belts around Houston, San Antonio, Austin and Dallas-Fort Worth-- have turned against Señor Trumpanzee, the Washington Post/Survey Monkey poll released yesterday that shows Hillary leading in the Lone Star State shouldn't be taken to mean she's actually going to win Texas' 38 electoral college votes; she's not.