Recording the Police

WATCH: Southern California Cop Pulls Out Gun and Fires While Struggling with Unarmed Juvenile (Updated IV)

A video is going viral on Facebook showing an off-duty Los Angeles police officer pulling out a gun and firing as he struggles to arrest an unarmed boy who appears to be about 14.
The incident took place Tuesday in Anaheim, which is in Orange County, so the cop was completely out of his jurisdiction.
The student being arrested can be heard saying he is not even sure the man is a cop and the students witnessing the arrest are also not sure. Some are even saying they have called police.

Tennessee Cop with Sordid Reputation Suspended for Sexually Harassing Woman

A Tennessee cop was suspended without pay for two weeks after a female store clerk recorded him against his knowledge asking for nude photos and acknowledging to previously showing her a video of himself masturbating.
South Carthage police officer Frank Geisenhoffer claimed the woman initiated his interest after she first sent him a nude photo of herself.
But Elizabeth Restrepo denies that allegation and investigators did not buy it either, which is what led to his suspension in December.

WATCH: Enraged Florida Cop Tries to Taunt Man into Hitting Him

It started over an argument between a father and a son in Central Florida that resulted in the cops being called.
Orlando police arrived and determined that no crime had been committed, but a cop named Sanchez took an extreme dislike to the son and began berating him.
Ryan Romasco said he began recording after the cop placed his hands on him.
The video, posted below, shows Romasco sitting in the passenger’s seat of his father’s vehicle with the cop ordering him to step out and walk back to his hotel room, which was 10 miles away.

WATCH: Texas Cop Denies Running Red Light Minutes After Recorded Running Red Light

A Texas cop who was busted on dash cam running a red light denied running the light only minutes later when confronted by a Photography is Not a Crime reporter.
“I don’t know what red light you’re talking about,” Austin police officer Maris Daron Heyward told PINAC reporter Phillip Turner, who followed the officer into a parking lot Thursday after he recorded the cop running the red light on his dash cam.
“It was a green light,” officer Heyward insists while sitting in the driver’s seat of his police SUV.
“You sure?”

WATCH: New Jersey Cop Tells Teen Recording: “I’m Going to Knock You the Fuck Out”

An Atlantic City police officer threatened to sic a dog on a teenager for recording him during a traffic stop. The cop also threatened to knock the teen out if he did not stop recording.
The teen turned the camera off.
But a 1:21 video surfaced on the internet earlier this morning on the Mediatakeout Facebook page where it’s quickly going viral.

WATCH: NYPD Cops Taser Pregnant Teenager After She Demands Warrant to Enter Home

New York City police officers tasered a pregnant 17-year-old girl after she refused to let them inside her apartment without a warrant Friday night.
NYPD cops were already in the building when they made their way upstairs to the fourth floor in response to a fight between the girl’s boyfriend and her sister’s boyfriend over a video game.
The girl’s boyfriend had already left the apartment, but the girl, Dailene Rosario, who is 14 weeks pregnant, remained inside, arguing with her sister’s boyfriend when several cops banged on the apartment door.

WATCH: Mississippi Cop Fired for Punching Handcuffed Man

A Mississippi cop was fired two days after he was caught on video repeatedly punching a handcuffed suspect.
Jackson police officer Justin Roberts is black, prompting some commenters on social media to say that was the sole reason he was fired.
But the Jackson Police Department is being sued by a former white police officer claiming she was fired because she is white.

WATCH: Texas Cop Tasers Man for Dancing at Bus Stop

A Texas cop tasered a man for doing nothing more than shuffling his feet with his hands in his pockets while standing at a bus stop Tuesday.
It appeared the man was dancing, but he may have just had a full bladder.
He may also have been flipping cars off, prompting a woman to call police – which should only be done as a last resort.
Either way, witnesses can be heard saying he was not threatening anybody.
Witnesses can also be heard saying the man did not appear to be on drugs, but likely had a mental imbalance.

Tennessee Deputy Claims Intern Came on to Him; Recording Proves Otherwise

A Tennessee deputy taking a female criminal justice student for a ride-along claimed she came on to him throughout his 12-hour shift.
But the aspiring law enforcement officer said he came on to her, parking his patrol car on a dead-end street before telling her he wanted to ravage her body with kisses, asking for permission to fondle her breasts.
And the 27-year-old woman had the audio recording to prove it.
Hamilton County sheriff’s deputy Gene Myers resigned after an internal affairs investigation sustained one count of unbecoming conduct against him.