Recording the Police

WATCH: Pennsylvania Cop Slaps City Council Candidate for Recording him in Public

A video posted to Facebook Friday shows a Pennsylvania cop assaulting a city council candidate for recording him in a gas station parking lot.
Royal Marti, a city council candidate for Lebanon City, posted the March 31 video to the Facebook page, The Realist People of Lancaster, after the Mount Joy Borough Police Department didn’t respond to a request for an out of court settlement.

WATCH: FBI Agents Seize Cameras from PINAC Reporter Citing “Safety” Issues

FBI agents in Texas ripped two cameras out of the hands of a PINAC reporter who was standing in front of a federal building legally recording from a public sidewalk Thursday, claiming they were in fear for their safety.
“I don’t want to be struck in the face,” said Keith A. Byers, an Assistant Special Agent in Charge for the El Paso FBI office at 660 South Mesa Hills Drive.
However, David Worden made no indication he would strike the agents in the face with his cameras.

WATCH: Florida Mom Outraged After 10-Year-Old Autistic Son Arrested at School Trying to Take Test

A 10-year-old autistic Florida boy who had been expelled from school last year returned to the same school last week after receiving an invitation to take a standard assessment test.
But he was promptly arrested for a warrant neither he or his mother were aware even existed.
His mother, Luanne Haygood, recorded the arrest on Wednesday, informing the Okeechobee County sheriff’s deputies that her son is on the autism spectrum.

Two Georgia Cops Fired – Including an “Officer of the Month” – After Videos Surface Showing them Beating, Stomping Man

Two Georgia cops were fired Thursday after videos surfaced showing them punching and stomping on the head of an unarmed non-resisting man.
But they should also be criminally charged, so let’s see how that pans out.
From the looks of it, it is something the two Gwinnett County police officers have been doing on a regular basis.
This time, it just happened to be caught on camera by a pair of witness, which is why the cops are also under criminal investigation.

WATCH: Dash Cam Shows Man was not Jaywalking when Beaten by Sacramento Cop

Sacramento police released the dash cam video showing the cop stop a man for jaywalking, then proceeding to choke and beat him when the man did not lie flat on the ground to receive his summons.
Or maybe the cop planned to jail him for jaywalking.
Or more likely, the cop just planned to arrest him for the timeworn crime of Walking While Black.

California Cop Suspended for Beating and Choking Man for Jaywalking

The Sacramento police officer caught on video choking and punching a man for jaywalking was suspended Tuesday after his supervisors viewed the footage.
The cop claimed he feared for his safety because the man removed a jacket and dropped it on the street, indicating he was challenging the cop to fight.
But the man, Nandi Cain Jr., said he was just taking off his jacket to show he was not armed.

WATCH: Colorado Cop Slams Female College Student’s Face to the Ground

A Colorado cop was caught on a Snapchat video Thursday slamming a female college student to the ground during an arrest outside of a bar after she allegedly shoulder checked him.
The Thin Blue Line remains supportive of the officer, claiming the 22-year-old Colorado State University student committed felony assault seconds before he body slammed her.
However, they are refusing to release body cam footage that would prove their allegations.