Invasion migratoire à Lesbos
Un jeune identitaire est allé interroger des migrants, des habitants, et un membre d'une ONG sur l'île de Lesbos, en Grèce. Évidemment, le point de vue n'est pas le même que dans la presse négrière.
Un jeune identitaire est allé interroger des migrants, des habitants, et un membre d'une ONG sur l'île de Lesbos, en Grèce. Évidemment, le point de vue n'est pas le même que dans la presse négrière.
Atrabilaire et sanguin « Tout ce qu’on peut dire d’un chef d’État qui traite des millions de membres de communautés religieuses différentes de cette manière, c’est : allez d’abord faire des examens de santé mentale »[1] : c’est en ces termes injurieux que le président turc Erdogan a commenté, le 24 octobre dernier, la volonté du président […]
Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator US President Donald Trump promised to end America’s wars, and bring the troops home; however, as his four years in office are coming to a close, he was unable to fulfill his 2016 campaign promise, but it remains to be seen if President-elect Joe Biden might do It. The US […]
Turkey’s leader Recep Erdogan is a problematic leader for both Russia and the United States. His country, Turkey is a NATO member. Yet Mr. Erdogan buys Russian weaponry against American wishes, and he is taking his country in an increasingly sectarian direction, recently getting the Hagia Sophia to restart services as a mosque (this is the Great Church of ancient Christianity).
President Trump spoke about seven minutes in his video speech at the United Nations General Assembly opening-day speeches, the same day America’s death toll from the coronavirus hit 200,000. JOHN PENNEY
Source : Russia Today France, La Source
Dans cet épisode de La Source, Alain Juillet se penche sur la Turquie et la stratégie géopolitique de son président, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
L’incident récent en Méditerranée orientale entre une frégate française et des navires de guerre turcs est symptomatique de ses méthodes.
The gradual process of Turkey’s becoming an Islamic sharia-law country, again, is no longer so gradual. It has taken a sudden and sharp rightward turn, into Islamic-nationhood.
Like the mysterious figure it is named for, the Caesar sanctions bill is the product of an elaborate deception by…
The post How a US and Qatari regime change deception produced ‘Caesar’ sanctions driving Syria towards famine appeared first on The Grayzone.
The series of debilitating military setbacks that Libya’s renegade general Khalifa Haftar suffered in recent months have spurred diplomatic activities over the conflict in the country. But the war is far from over.
What exactly are we witnessing on the Turkish Greek border with Syrian refugees arriving there? A failure in EU immigration and asylum policy coupled to another 20 year disaster, that of Turkey-EU relations? Or simply the relationship between the blackmailer and his victim coming to a head?