reality tv

How the Pentagon Uses Hollywood to Cover Up its Alcohol Problem

The US military has a drinking problem, but like most of its problems it's OK because the entertainment liaison offices are there to make sure Hollywood doesn't draw attention to it. From episodes of Wonder Woman through to blockbuster films, scenes of services members drinking have been edited or removed from scripts. (Read more...)

The Ochelli Effect: Turkey News Economy

The Author of The War State takes questions from listeners and talks about the pressures from other national markets on the U.S. economy. What effect is Trump having on business in general? Is there a silent inflation built into the current situation?
The crazy world of Elon Musk is in the news. What can the crashes of the past tell us about the future?

SHOCKING Proof: Government Control in Hollywood – Tom Secker on the WideShut Webcast

Keelan Balderson invited me back onto the WideShut Webcast to chat about the research that went into National Security Cinema, as well as the response and reception the book has enjoyed.  We get quite deeply into the notion that the CIA are cultivating a ‘bad boy image’ through Hollywood, and how this is likely aimed […](Read more...)

ClandesTime 126 – American Vandal

Today I am joined by old friend Pearse Redmond to review and discuss the Netflix TV series American Vandal, a mockumentary that satirises the true crime genre. Pete Maldonado is a student at a high school in California who starts making a documentary about a fellow student, Dylan Maxwell, who was expelled for graffitti-ing dicks on 27 teachers cars. He soon finds that Dylan is probably innocent, and he and his co-producer Sam set out to find the true culprits and figure out what is really going on.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 88 A History of Media Manipulation from OJ to Syria with Brian Heiss

Frequent guest Brian Heiss joins me for an in depth discussion of the current state of the media, and their continued legacy of manipulation and deception. We begin our conversation by dissecting the bogus news story that OJ Simpson is set to make a reality TV show with Casey Anthony. Brian and I discuss now the genesis of this story is a TMZ article that determined that an OJ reality show was actually impossible to make at this current time.