The Real News

Seymour Hersh Interview: Trump Lied to Justify Firing Tomahawks at Syria

(ANTIMEDIA) — Renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reports that President Trump launched tomahawk missiles at the Syrian military in April after ignoring warnings from U.S. intelligence that there was no evidence Assad’s government was to blame for the chemical attack on his own citizens two days prior.
You can watch Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh’s interview with The Real News here:

DisInfoWars with Tom Secker: How to Catch Brzezinski in a Lie

Deep state intellectual Zbigniew Brzezinski turns up everywhere but he is perhaps most known for his role in the founding of Operation Cyclone - NATO's program to support the mujahideen in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. The media coverage, both mainstream and alternative, has focused on misleading interpretations of what happened and when, much of which has been encouraged by Brzezinski himself.