reactionary Democrats

A Conservative Is A Conservative, Whether He Calls Himself A Republican Or A Democrat And It Doesn't Matter If He Passes Himself Off As A "Moderate"-- They Own All Society's Problems

The two parties aren't "the same." Democrats aren't the same as Republicans. There are some good Democrats. There are no good Republicans. The identity politics Democratic politicians play-- pro-woman, pro-gay, anti-racism, for example-- is better, way better, than the identity politics Republicans play. As for corruption... well corruption is part of, and even lionized by, conservatism.

Unbearable Noodge Watch: This "one more chance" business -- not cool, DNC!

No, no, no, no! Or to put it another way, uh-uh, no!by KenI could have sworn we had this discussion the other day. Remember, after you promised I'd had my "last chance to become a card-carrying Democrat"? "Presumably as of midnight I'm in the clear!" I wrote. "Even if that was Pacific Time, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was, I'm still good. Free!

Rahm Emanuel-- The Root Of All Evil?

Yesterday 4 horrible reactionary Blue Dogs-- Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), Dan Lipinski (IL), Jim Cooper (TN) and Gwen Graham (FL)-- broke ranks with their fellow Democrats to vote against Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Graham is new to Congress, but very ambitious and eager to jump to statewide office as soon as she can by proving how "bipartisan" she is; the other 3 vote with Boehner on crucial issues far more than they vote with Pelosi anyway.

Will Their Opposition To Obamacare Help Defeat Any Of The Last Wretched Blue Dogs In Congress?

Georgia Blue Dog John Barrow has one of the most reactionary voting records of any Democrat in Congress-- to the point where he defines the term "DINO," Democrat in Name Only. For 2013-14, ProgressivePunch has scored him a dismal 27.73, just fractionally worse from Utah Blue Dog, Jim Matheson who decided to retire rather than face certain defeat in November.

Patrick Murphy-- Is He The Worst Freshman Democrat? Unlikely He'll Be The Worst Sophomore

Technically, Patrick Murphy is a Democrat. He switched his registration from "Republican" just before challenging much-hated Tea Party target Allen West in 2012. A son of great wealth and privilege, Murphy was, of course, a lifelong Republican. Since getting into the House he's voted with Republicans on crucial roll calls more frequently than with Democrats.