Ray Stevens

Year-End Thrashing of Congress on Chicago Radio MP3

I was on Chicago’s Morning Answer radio show this morn to thrash Congress and that durn Omnibus bill.  Guest host Ray Stevens and I had fun target-shooting at the various boondoggles in that bill.  “Contempt of Congress” is a civic duty, not a crime. Show was spurred by New York Post piece, Taxpayers feel the […]
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It's Not About Trump-- It's About His Supporters

We keep getting told not to demean Trump because if you do, you'll be demeaning his supporters. Yeah, so? Isn't that the point? No one with an ability to exercise a modicum of critical thought would take Trump seriously for two seconds. Every word out of his mouth is a lie or is so twisted that its relationship to reality is approximately equivalent to the reality on reality TV-- mixed with the prescription drugs that inhabit the tiny brains of the people who drool over Trump's simple-minded nonsense.