Raul Grijalva

Do Progressives Have The Guts To Stand Up Against War-- Even If Their Own Party Chiefs Back It?

Obama, Pelosi, Hoyer, Reid are asking a lot of progressives who are skeptical over the rush to bomb Syria. Aside from asking them to overlook the lack of definitive proof that it was Assad who used the chemical weapons and to overlook the fact that the strategy to punish him is fatally flawed, they're also asking them to forget about their own integrity and-- in some cases, more importantly-- their own constituents' expressed desires about keeping the U.S. out of another pointless Mideast war.

Right To Vote/Right To Marry: The Red States

Barney Frank retired from Congress last year. Obama picked a series of crooked Wall Street operators for positions he should have tried filling with brilliant and proven tribunes of the public like Barney and Brad Miller (D-NC), who also resigned last year. I'm not certain what Brad is up to now but Barney has certainly not faded away. Having been for so many years the most noteworthy openly gay Member of Congress, media turned to him in droves for comments about the grudging and narrow Supreme Court ruling that struck down DOMA and kind of struck down California's hateful Prop 8.

When Did The GOP Become The Party of Unrelenting Misogyny?

Yesterday, crazed woman-hater--and very sick, deranged closet case-- Trent Franks (R-AZ) finally got a bill passed... kind of. Even Republicans found his rape comments so offensive and so dangerous to GOP election prospects that they took him off the case before the vote and put up an anti-Choice woman as the bill's "sponsor," Tennessee crackpot Marsha Blackburn.

What About All Those Great Keystone XL Pipeline Jobs Boehner Is Always Barking About?

You don't have to be a congressman in a borrowed lab coat to do the math... but our old friend, Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) explains the dangers of Keystone XL and the tar sands it wants to pipe though the heart of America better than anyone else tonight (above). For example, have you heard Boehner running around like a chicken without a head squawking that the pipeline would create 250,000 jobs?