Raul Grijalva

Arming Syrian Moderates? They Are No Syrian Moderates Except In McCain's Twisted Mind

The House leaders-- afraid of midterm voters-- avoided voting for war in the Middle East yesterday and instead voted to fund what McCain insists are "moderate" Syrian rebels… you know, the ones who have been selling arms and captives to ISIS (the "non-moderates") for months. Do we never learn? Anything? Buck McKeon's slippery slope amendment passed 273 to 156 with 85 Democrats and 71 Republicans voting against it. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) has learned history's lessons.

Will Cliven Bundy Sit Down For An Interview With Rachel Maddow? What If They Allow Him To Bring Sean Hannity Along As A Body Guard?

Last week a new name started popping up on my Twitter feed: Cliven Bundy. Before I had even processed it, he was in a standoff with federal law enforcement officials over unpaid taxes and fees and Harry Reid was calling him a domestic terrorist, Sean Hannity was egging him on to start an armed rebellion and Ted Cruz seemed to be angling to get him to run on his ticket in 2016. It looked too silly/ugly/predictable to pay any attention to. So I didn't. But it didn't go away.

Nutrition-- Educating Doctors

I spent almost two years wandering around the Indian subcontinent between 1969 and 1971-- Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Nepal and, of course, every region of India. I lived in my van and was broke most of the time and had no choice but to eat whatever the locals were eating. When I got back to Europe I came down with a debilitating illness. No need to go into the gruesome details but I wound up under the care of an elderly physician in Innsbruck who decided he would have to operate on me and that I would have to stay in Innsbruck for six months.

What A Real Budget Looks Like... When No One Takes Ayn Rand Fairy Tales Into Account

This year's Congressional Progressive Caucus alternative budget, the Better Off Budget, was developed by Mike Honda (D-CA), Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Donna Edwards (D-MD), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Jim McDermott (D-WA), Mark Pocan (D-WI) and Jan Schakowsky (D-IL). Obviously, it's a complex document.

How Much Of West Virginia's Catastrophic Toxic Spill Should Be Blamed On The Koch Brothers?

I'm not certain if the report about the coal industry's latest toxic spill in West Virginia heading downstream towards Cincinnati is true or not, but I do know that when Compton educator Roland Charest saw the photo above, he could be heard saying, "I wouldn't be drinking anything that came out of those taps for at least a year."