
How Vatican 1 is the Key to Refuting Roman Catholicism – Jay Dyer (Half)

 Since it seems 95% of Roman Catholics have not read the actual documents of Vatican 1 to know precisely what the doctrine of papal infallibility is, we will cover the documents and the relevant encyclicals that expound them today. We will look at how this council is really the fundamental means to refuting papalism, […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 156 Catholic Church Cover Up with Ed Opperman and Brian Heiss

This week my guests are Ed Opperman and Brian Heiss. First, we covered the latest development in the #MeToo saga: the allegations that Asia Argento abused actor Jimmy Bennet. We discussed who may have leaked this to the New York Times and why. We also touched on the complexities of sexual abuse, and how many victims go on to victimize. The conversation then shifted to the recent Pennsylvania Attorney General report which investigated rampant sexual abuse in the state’s Catholic Church.

Roman Catholic Dogmatic Absolute Divine Simplicity is Heretical – Jay Dyer

Moses saw and communed with a Personal God, not a created light and not a generic essence.
“When God was conversing with Moses, He did not say, “I am the essence”, but “I am the One Who is.” Thus it is not the One Who is who derives from the essence, but essence which derives from Him, for it is He who contains all being in Himself.” -St. Gregory Palamas, Triads in Defense of the Holy Hesychasts, III.ii.12
By: Jay Dyer