
Great Reset Happytalism & Dolphin Love (Half) – Jay Dyer

Today we cover a couple works I was able to get ahold of, namely John C. Lilly’s revealing autobiography and a futurist book with essays discussing UBI, technocracy, the new era of spirituality and more.  The past two weeks have shown us the world is fast moving into this new era. Streamlabs now replaces superchats here.  Live at 4PM EST 


Stefan Molyneux Vs. Jay Dyer Debate: Philosophy & Its Claims!

As many of you have requested for several years, Stefan Molyneux has agreed to have an unmoderated conversational exchange and debate on the nature of philosophy itself, logic, epistemic claims, the value of “sense data” and empiricism, and much more!  Tune in to his channel at 8PM EST followed by a Q n A.  Not sure where this chat will go, but it should be lively!

Does God Exist? DEBATE: Jay Dyer Vs Robert Taylor – PARTS 1 & 2

Part 1

Part 2

Robert’s Channel PraxGirl is here. 

The knock down secret argument of praxeologist Robert Taylor is here to stump me! I invited him on to let him set up the challenge that it’s logically impossible for there to be a God. I haven’t heard his argument but he issued a challenge and we will see what he brings to the table.

This Machine Sustains the Good Life

It first appeared in 1943 as the book that went against everything that the politics of the time were telling people to believe. We had been through more than a decade of the planning state, with government robbing people in order to help them. This was the period of history that prepared the way for the predatory politics that define daily life today. The experience of the New Deal prepared the way for wartime planning in ways that people today do not understand. But Paterson did.