Rational National

Does Something As Amorphous As "The Democratic Party" Stand For Something?

"Conservative Democrats" are careerist politicians, not actual grassroots votersI guess that depends on how you define it. Who is the Democratic Party? I would say anyone who has registered as a Democrat. Fair enough? Who is not the Democratic Party? The elected party officials, who try to define it by looking in the mirror.

Not News: Multimillionaires Fear Bernie-- Including Multimillionaires Who Work For MSNBC

Miriyam Rocah celebrates her 49th birthday next Sunday. Predictably, the Scarsdale multimillionaire hates Bernie and his progressive agenda. Less predictably-- kind of-- was how MSNBC, a division of Comcast, had her on yesterday morning to smear Bernie. David Gura invited her on his early morning show where she decided to tell the audience that Bernie "makes my skin crawl.

Frackenlooper Has An Excuse For Why No One Likes Him-- And It Has Nothing To Do With Him

Cluelessly, Schumer is urging former Colorado Senator Frackenlooper to drop his presidential bid-- that's not the cluelsss part-- and run for the Colorado Senate seat instead-- that's the clueless part. That would set up a Democratic Party specialty: a lesser of two evils race that would make Democratic voters sick to their stomachs. Frackenlooper is detested in his own state.

Lee Carter Demolishes The Democratic Party Establishment's Convention Wisdom About How To Win Elections-- Just As Jessica Cisneros Declares Her Candidacy Against Blue Dog Henry Cuellar In Texas

In a primary cycle that ended this week, the Democratic establishment in Virginia got the results of their efforts to run an "ex"-Republican legislator and all around piece of dog crap, Mark Wolfe, against an incumbent of their own party-- free-thinking, Democratic Socialist Delegate Lee Carter. Carter never appeared all that concerned when I spoke with him and he easily turned back the challenge, winning the primary last Tuesday 57.72% to 42.28%.

The Democratic Debates

Establishment vs Bernie by Nancy OhanianI would love to know the motivations behind the decisions of who went where but unless someone tells, it's a waste of time to speculate. The DNC insists it was all random. You believe them? The women candidates are equally divided and the African-American candidates are as well. But it's the political motivations I'd rather see.

How Soon Before The Koch Brothers Are In A Position To Buy Cheri Bustos The Speakership?

A few weeks ago, I had dinner with an old friend, an author who had recently interviewed David Koch for a book he's working on. He told me the Koch brothers planned to support Democrats as well as Republicans this cycle. We went back and forth about that and then let it drift. Then, on Friday the news started filtering out that the Kochs are indeed looking to gain influence inside the Democratic Party, the way they have inside the Republican Party.The Kochs are willing to finance Democrats "in step with Koch policies?" Don't be deceived by the Koch affinity for DREAMers.