Rashida Tlaib

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahRepublicans are so freaked out about having some in-your-face women taking positions in the House Of Representatives. Women being assertive, loud and proud! Primitive, knuckle-dragging cavemen that they are, Republicans just can't handle it. They think the world has gone insane. And, it's not just that so many of the new representatives are women, it's all that ethnicity and more.

The Democrats Still Haven't Impeached The Motherfucker-- Passing PAY-GO Is All They're Capable Of

I don't have the kind of sweeping knowledge of the presidency Señor Trumpanzee pretends to have. But I can state that there has never been a president in my lifetime as profane and in the gutter as the intellectually lazy slug currently occupying the White House. Trump was a grotesque pig long before the Kremlin rallied easily-manipulatable fans of The Apprentice to elect him to office. Imagine a carefully curated compilation of, say, The Best of Trump With Howard Stern.