
Ghouta, Raqqa, Aleppo: Ceasefire Decisions and Humanitarian Unconcern

NEW YORK — A UN-brokered ceasefire has once again been established, now for the sixth time, in Syria and, like most of those that preceded it, has now been broken. The current ceasefire sought to end fighting in Eastern Ghouta, an area near the Syrian capital of Damascus that has long been controlled by militant U.S.-Saudi backed rebels seeking to overthrow the Syrian government.

ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi ‘severely injured’ by Russian air strike sources say

Back in June last year the Russian Ministry of Defence published a claim that a meeting of ISIS commanders in May in the then besieged ISIS ‘capital’ of Raqqa included no less a person than ISIS’s leader – Ibrahim Abu-Bakr Al-Baghdadi – himself.
The meeting was apparently called to plan the escape of ISIS’s top leaders from Raqqa.  Of these the most important obviously is Al-Baghdadi himself, which was presumably why he attended the meeting.

Video footage surfaces showing ISIS leaving Raqqa under the cover of US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (Video)

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Should US Defense Secretary James Mattis by fired?

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Assad tells Putin: Ready to move with political process in Syria

Al Assad meets with Putin in Sochi, Russia on Tuesday November 21, 2017 [PPIO]
Russian President Vladimir Putin will call his American counterpart after Syrian President Bashar Al Assad concludes his trip to the Russian port city of Sochi.
“Already a talk is planned with the emir of Qatar and tomorrow—with the President of the U.S. Donald Trump, while afterwards (I will speak) with leaders from countries in the region,” a statement from the Kremlin quoted Putin on Tuesday.