Randy Rainbow

White House Push-Back Against Woodward's Book Is... Pretty Anemic

The Diplomat by Nancy OhanianYou may have noticed that yesterday, Bob Woodward's book leaked and some of Trump's top aides made some very disparaging remarks about his stupidity and his character that make him sound as unfit for any office as many of us suspected all along.Although many of the people Woodward interviewed, like Gary Cohn, Reince Priebus, Rob Porter, John

So, Who's The Rat?

I never trusted that Michael Cohen was actually a "rat." I mean he could be, but I'll believe he really turned against Trump when I see it. Chris Hayes never seems to have bought in either, right? Lanny Davis is a classic piece of shit, the very worst of the garbage the dregs of the Clinton establishment vomits up from time to time. So anything he says... is never believable enough to trust.