Randy Rainbow

Frank Schaeffer Dissects William Barr-- But Who Will Dissect Giuliani?

Who knew Trump Attorney General William Barr is a religious leader? Was there ever any reason to think so? Actually, there still isn't. The video of his speech above-- intercut with Frank Schaeffer's savage analysis of hat he's saying proves Barr isn't a religious leader, just a hack politician trying to stoke the flames of white evangelical grievence, exploiting their narrowness to help Trump win in 2020. Is this what an Attorney General does? To Barr, like to all the detritus left in the Trump circle, sees religion as nothing more than a tool to achieve his political ends.

If Evangelicals Are Supporting Trump Because They Can't Cope With Women's Bodies, Maybe They Should Skip The Election This Year And See A Psycho-Therapist Instead

Trump's support among white evangelicals hasn't sunk much despite the discomfort some of them feel about a few of his noticeably anti-Jesus policies and about the way he comports himself. 80% of white evangelicals voted for him in 2016 and, if the election were held today, 77% of them say they would do the same now.

Cleaning Up After Trump Is Going To Be A Full-Time Job-- He Really Does Need To Be Impeached So America Can Move Forward

Today's NY Times exposé by Mark Mazzetti, Maggie Haberman, Nicholas Fandos and Michael Schmidt would be the most shocking thing to read about a White House occupant at any time in history... before 2016. Intimidation, Pressure and Humiliation: Inside Trump’s Two-Year War on the Investigations Encircling Him reads like a crime thriller or a spy thriller. It's way too long for Trump to read or to even have it read to him. Will someone in the White House do a coloring book version?

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTonight, those who choose to brace themselves and tune in will be able to watch Donnie Sleazeball give his second annual State Of The Union address. Get your barf bags ready! It'll be on seemingly every channel but the Cartoon Network which is where it actually belongs.This is how I am preparing for the big broadcast: I thought of taking a page from the Big Pop-up Cookbook of Trump White House Cuisine and getting in a tray of Bigly Macs or whatever they're called but I ate at a McDonalds once back in 1971 and never went back. So, what to do?

A Disturbed Liar-- A Clinical Sociopath... And He'd Rather Destroy Us All Than Leave Us "Unprotected" By His Wall

Wikipedia has a simple explanation for projection-- one of the most obvious and clearest cornerstones of Trump's psychological makeup: "a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.

Trump Crashes The Stock Market-- Next Comes The Economy

Have you known many people like Trump? Hustlers and grifters like him are a dime a dozen in New York. I once worked for one who was a firm believer that if you went around hissing your poison in enough peoples' ears, you would create a new reality of your own. Trump tried it Tuesday with his China trade-war bullshit (above)-- but all he created was the 4th biggest stock market collapse in U.S.

Prognosticators Have Never Learned How To Rate Races In A Wave Election-- And Pollsters Can't Get Their Models Straight

Polls are all based on "likely voters." A campaign manager I was talking to last week was in a rush because he was still dragging homeless people onto buses to feed them sandwiches, etc and get them to the early voting stations. Over a thousand. Likely voters? Not a chance. Early voting shows "unexpected" upturns for women voters, black voters, Latino voters and millennials voters. How many extra seats is that worth to the Democrats beyond what the pollsters and prognosticators predicted? 10? 20?