
D.C. Think Tank Details How U.S. Can Destroy Russia (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss a recent RAND Corporation research paper which delivers a detailed road map as to how the United States can destabilize Russia, and systematically destroy the Russian Federation by employing economic, social-ideological, geopolitical and military tactics.
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Religion as a tool of colonialist power in WWI

As leaders from all around the world gathered to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of a war meant to end all wars, the aftermath of the bloody conflict nevertheless continue to resonate in many parts of the globe today.
Author and researcher Hanief Haider traces some of the trends and maneuvers from the pre-World War I era, such as Great Britain’s use of religious fervor to influence affairs in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), which persist today.

Reparations, racism, and equality of outcome. South Africa slides into Marxist abyss (Video)

South Africa’s land reform program is now front and center after US President Donald Trump tweeted about the South African government’s plan to steal farms from white landowners.
Trump said he asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to study South African “land and farm seizures” and “killing of farmers”…

Sex Robots – From Hollywood Dystopia to Reality – Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

Audio Here 
Sunday Wire connects with special guest, deep politics & cultural analyst Jay Dyer – author of best-seller Esoteric Hollywood – for an incisive psychological look at America’s obsession with existential enemies and geopolitical foes throughout its modern history, most notably the all pervasive “Russian Threat!” which dominates US and European political discourse at present.