
Cheap, Tasty, and Harmful to Your Health: Ramen Noodles

Ramen noodles are cheap, easy to make, and they taste good, which is why so many college kids live on them in school. I know I did. You can buy a whole box of them for just a few bucks. Between instant noodles, Lucky Charms, and cappuccino, I ate like I had a death wish in college. And though indulging in the occasional cup of noodles won’t kill you, but living on them could shorten your life.

What’s REALLY in the Popular Instant Ramen Noodles?

Instant Ramen noodles is known by many individuals as a cheap food you can buy in bulk and can cook fast and easily. The average consumer is often drawn to products like these, which are cheap and seemingly have little downside when compared to the convenience. But this meal, as many health food advocates already know, is the complete opposite of healthy.