Ralph Reed

Ralph Reed Demands Good Christians Obey Señor Trumpanzee

Republican Party continues to pervert Jesus' message to mankindCrooked carnival tent barker and greed-obsessed power-monger Ralph Reed, who somehow managed to avoid prison for his role in the Abramoff bribery scandal, has a new book coming out before the 2020 election with two working titles, Render to God and Trump and For God and Country: The Christian case for Trump.

White Evangelicals Are Embracing Concentration Camps As Revenge For Their Petty Grievances And Resentments And Because They Feel Mocked And Scorned

Babies in Cages by Nancy OhanianDeath camps are different from concentration camps; they're worse. But concentration camps are bad enough. If Trump was setting up concentration camps what would you do about it? What are you doing about the concentration camps? Silence, beloved brothers and sisters, is not golden... it's complicity.

No, G.K. Chesterton Was Not Gay-- But Ralph Reed Was

Bill Maher had some fun with right wing hustler and hypocrite Ralph Reed on his show Friday night. Reed, the head of the so-called Faith and Freedom Coalition, a GOP front group dedicated to electing right-wing Republicans to office by suckering paranoid and superstitious rubes, will host well-known libertine and glutton, Chris Christie at their annual conference on June 20.