Raid on NewsClick

ED Raids and NewsClick: Weaponising the law by Criminalising Free Speech

People’s Union for Civil Liberties is shocked at the illegal detention of the editor-in-chief of news portal, NewsClick, Prabir Purkayastha and his partner, Gita Hariharan, at their home in Delhi as the 113-hour “search” by the Enforcement Directorate continued. Senior citizens aged 73 and 67 years, they were kept in confinement and not allowed access to phones and even to[Read More...]

Alarming rise in state repression and clampdown on news outlets and journalists

NAPM condemns the alarming rise in state repression and clampdown on  news outlets and journalists exposing the anti-people nature of the establishment   NAPM is outraged at the increasing number of instances of the state blatantly targeting news outlets and journalists who refuse to budge and report the truth in public interest, despite threats from those in power. These threats[Read More...]

Institutions to protect democracy have to show their strength

The raid on Newsclick by the enforcement directorate unambiguously shows how the government ‘respect’ those voices who differ with it. The Enforcement Directorate these days has become the new CBI and is being used as a political tool. This is deeply disturbing how these agencies have allowed themselves to be used as a political tool to harass the opponents of[Read More...]

ED Raid At NewsClick Condemned

A press statement on the ED raid at NewsClick offices in Delhi from Kolkata-based digital media groups We the undersigned strongly condemn the harassment and intimidation of independent media houses and journalists associated with them by the BJP run central government. The raids by the Enforcement Directorate at the office of News Click and the homes of its directors and[Read More...]

Raid On NewsClick: An Attempt To Muzzle The Voices of Dissent

NewsClick, a progressive website based out of Delhi has been raided by the Enforcement Directorate. The raid comes at a time when NewsClick has been bravely covering the farmers’ agitation and other issues of the marginalised when most of the mainstream media are keeping silent or toeing the line of the government. The raid on NewsClick is a continuation of[Read More...]

Condemn Raids on Newsclick

The Delhi Union of Journalists(DUJ) condemns the raids by the Enforcement Directorate on the office of online portal Newsclick and the homes of its owner editor Prabir Purkayastha, editor Pranjal and human resources head Amit Chakravarty earlier today. Newsclick has been providing a platform to leading investigative journalists like Paranjoy Guha Thakurta and bold video journalist Abhisar Sharma, P.Sainath -among[Read More...]