
House Votes To Officially Deny Climate Change-- Really

This morning we started the day with a look at the irreversible catastrophe Global Warming has in store for Florida-- and how Florida congressmembers from districts that will wind up entirely under the sea-- like Dennis Ross, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mario Diaz-Balart, Patrick Murphy, Bill Posey and Vern Buchanan-- have consistently voted against policies that would save their own constituents and for an agenda that will utterly destroy the very districts they represent.

Just Why Exactly Did Bernie Sanders Endorse Paul Clements In Michigan-- When Steve Israel's DCCC Refuses To?

West Virginia Blue Dog Nick Rahall is never going to be endorsed by Blue America and we often note that he acts in concert with the GOP more than almost any other House Democrat-- there are a few who are worse. Example: only 9 Democrats refused to sign the discharge petition to force Boehner and Cantor to bring immigration reform to a vote. Every Republican and those 9 shameless Democrats refused to sign and, predictably, Rahall was one of them.

Stick With Nick

If you read this blog much, you've probably noticed we sometimes express a bit of antipathy towards ConservaDems, New Dems and Blue Dogs, generally speaking, the Republican wing ofd the Democratic Party. Over the years Blue America has even helped defeat some of the worst of them, particularly Al Wynn (MD), Tim Holden (PA), Chris Carney (PA) and Bobby Bright (AL). We've had John Barrow (GA), Jim Matheson (UT) and others like them in our sites for years. But one long-time conservative Democrat who we never really went after has been Nick Rahall (WV).