Radley Balko

If the Public Shouldn’t Have Them, Why Does the IRS Need AR-15s?

Here we go again. Stuck in the aftermath of a horrific shooting and all politicians think to do is scheme about how to take more rights from the citizenry. There are no good guys here. The Democrats want to railroad over due process by denying firearms to people on Orwellian watch lists, while Republicans plot to give the FBI more warrantless surveillance powers.

Virginia Navy Vet Exonerated by DNA 33-Years After Convicted by Dubious Bite Mark “Evidence”

Virginia freed an ex-navy sailor 33-years after wrongfully convicting him based on bite mark evidence, when the state’s high court granted him a writ of actual innocence.
Keith Allen Harward narrowly escaped the death penalty.
This week Harward, walked out of prison a free man.
DNA evidence exonerated Harward after serving 33-years in prison for a rape and murder he did not commit.