
When will Californians wake up to the Risk to Children from Nuclear Radiation?

On March 7, the Inter Press Service (IPS) published my article, “Eight Years on, Fukushima Still Poses Health Risks for Children,” and I am very gratified to learn that it was the second most popular article published in IPS News that week. It also appears that many readers were surprised to learn that removal of the irradiated cores from the three crippled nuclear reactors at Fukushima would take at least forty years.

Breaking: Source of Malibu Fire May Be the Contaminated Santa Susana Nuke Facility, Site of Secret 1959 Meltdown

The “Chatsworth electric substation” on the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) site experienced disturbances two minutes before the fire began, and may be the source of the Woolsey fire. There was a partial nuclear meltdown at the site in 1959 and it is still contaminated.

The FDA Requested a $25 Million Study on Cell Phone Radiation, But Ignored the Results that Link the Radiation to Cancer

A $25 million study on the effects of cellphone radiation on rats found clear evidence of tumors in the hearts of male rats and links to tumors in brains and adrenal glands. If the FDA had accepted the results, the FCC would have had to update its regulations set in 1996.