rachel maddow


Biden's Not Passing Any Torches Voluntarily by Nancy OhanianAlmost two decades ago, I was talking with a guy I worked for, a guy with tremendous accomplishments who I both respected and liked. But I noticed he was slowing down a little and there were a couple of moments where I could see the senility starting to creep into the conversation.

Australian politicians finally defend free speech rights of Julian Assange (Video)

RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou discuss how the establishment mainstream media and various politicians who aggressively opposed Julian Assange after the 2016 US Presidential election, have now suddenly had a change of heart, after realizing the imminent danger to their own hides, that the Espionage Act indictment of Assange presents.
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Professional Assange Smearers Finally Realize His Fate Is Tied To Theirs

Rachel effing Maddow, the Queen Mother of all tinfoil pussyhat-wearing Russiagate insanity is suddenly supporting Julian Assange after his Espionage Act indictment, as Caitlin Johnstone explains. By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com Rachel Maddow has aired a segment condemning the new indictment against…Read more →