Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

Open Letter to Mr. Peter Robinson, Northern Ireland’s First Minister, Denouncing His Support of a Racist Islamophobic Pastor

The most shocking and disturbing Mr. Peter Robinson was your blind uninformed and ill-advised support and defense of this Pastor’s indefensible hate crime speech.   Perhaps in attending his church you’ve been exposed, or indoctrinated, by so much hate speech from this extremist evangelistic Pastor that his words seemed normal in your failed judgment. 


Rabbi Ovadia’s Record of Hate Speech Sanitized by the Media

Rabbi Ovadia’s Record of Hate Speech is Sanitized by the Mainstream MediaBy Michael Hoffman www.revisionisthistory.orgIn a speech on June 24, 1984 upon his return to America from Libya, Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Chicago-based Nation of Islam, referred to Judaism as a "dirty religion." (The media often claim that he said Judaism was a “gutter religion”).