
Kamala Harris’ visit to El Paso is cowardly and selfish [Video]

El Paso, Texas has a good solid border wall, along the city proper’s entire border with Ciudád Juárez, and extending a long distance beyond both cities’ limits, far out into the desert. El Paso is blessed with a Republican mayor, and apparently, border enforcement is in reasonable shape. Perhaps it is for this reason that […]

The conclusion of Russiagate, Part I – cold, hard reality

The conclusion of the Russiagate investigation, led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, was a pivotal media watershed moment. Even at the time of this writing there is a great deal of what might be called “journalistic froth” as opinion makers and analysts jostle to make their takes on this known to the world. Passions are running very high in both the Democrat / anti-Trump camps, where the reactions range from despondency to determined rage to not swallow the gigantic red pill that the “no collusion with Russia” determination offers.

Patriarch Bartholomew lifts anathemas on schismatics in Ukraine (VIDEO)

The biggest news in the Eastern Orthodox world in recent times occurred on Thursday, October 11, 2018. The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, lifted the anathemas against two schismatic Ukrainian Churches and their leaders, paving the way to the creation of a fully independent Ukrainian national Orthodox Church.
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This announcement was given in English and is shown here in video with the textual transcript following:

Interview de Kemi Seba, lors de la journée de mobilisation historique contre le Franc CFA

Ce samedi 11 février 2017 restera sans doute dans l’Histoire comme la première journée mondiale de mobilisation citoyenne contre le Franc CFA. À l’initiative de l’O.N.G. URPANAF, des conférences se sont tenues dans 41 villes, dans plus de 20 pays, sur 3 continents : un véritable tour de force auquel la participation de Kemi Seba, co-fondateur de ce mouvement, n’est pas étrangère.

Réaction d’Alain Finkielkraut après son éviction de la Nuit Debout

Nuit Debout, samedi 16 avril 2016 au soir : un groupement de citoyens hostiles a chassé Alain Finkielkraut de la Place de la République, en l’invectivant et même en lui balançant un crachat comme on peut le voir à la 40ème seconde de la vidéo (au ralenti, on peut voir que c’est notre caméraman qui reçoit ce « dommage collatéral »…). Nous avons souhaité recueillir la réaction de l’intellectuel.