quality of life

Study: One of the Keys to a Happy Life is Being a Generous Person

Let’s be honest for a moment. You’d probably be thrilled to have a cool million or 2 in the bank. Money can’t buy happiness, as the saying goes, but what you do with your money (as well as time and talents, for that matter) might have an awful lot to do with your quality of life. Sure, doing something nice for someone else feels nice, but a recent study suggests that generosity has a positive biological effect on the brain.

Study: Birth Control Pills can Lower Women’s Quality of Life

I’ll just come right out and say it: If you’re a woman who takes birth control pills and you feel like crap, it could be due to the medication. That’s according to researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
The study looked at how birth control affects well-being. The researchers concluded that hormonal contraceptives negatively impact a woman’s quality of life. [1]