
Jay Dyer’s Lecture Series on Plato’s Republic (Free Halves)

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In this popular series from last year, I covered the entire book of Plato’s monumental Republic.  Arguably the most influential philosophy text of all time, the Republic demonstrates a city and state governed by the mystical and esoteric doctrines of Platonism and Pythagoreanism.  In these lectures, full subscribers get access to the full content MP3s.

(Half) JaysAnalysis Republic Bk. 8: The Pythagorean City

In this half talk for free, I detail the 8th book of Plato’s Republic where Socrates describes the degeneration of the ideal city into oligarchy, democracy and chaos. Included in book 8 is the esoteric doctrine of the Pythagorean number of man, based in the cosmology of the Timaeus.  Included is an explanation of the metallurgical analogy and the relation to Homer and Achilles’ Shield (in the full talk for paid subscribers).