
Former Israeli PM Bennett says US ‘blocked’ his attempts at a Russia-Ukraine peace deal

Bennett says the US and its Western allies decided to ‘keep striking Putin’ and not negotiate This article was originally published by Antiwar.com Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in an interview posted to his YouTube channel on Saturday that the US and its Western allies “blocked” his efforts of mediating between Russia and Ukraine to bring an end to the war in its early days. On March 5, 2022, Bennett traveled to Russia to meet with President Vladimir Putin. In […]

The Patrushev Oversight

Iain Davis In a recent interview with Russian media, Nikolay Patrushev, an intelligence officer who is the former director of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and the current secretary of the Russian Federation Security Council, spoke about the nature of power in the West. In keeping with the previous address of President Putin at Valdai, Patrushev …

Why 100% of the Blame for Ukraine’s War Is Obama’s, and None Is Putin’s

Eric Zuesse This is in response to Caitlin Johnstone’s January 28th article, which alleged that not all of the blame for the war in Ukraine goes to Obama’s decisions, and which accused Russia of “warmongering” (and avoided using any such strong term of condemnation against America’s Government), “Why Don’t You Ever Criticize RUSSIA’S Warmongering??”: She […]

The West is demilitarizing itself via Ukraine. Has anyone thought of this? [Video]

Wikipedia gives a running list of the “contributions” that nations around the world have made in both humanitarian aid and military aid to Ukraine. While Wikipedia itself is often subject to “influence” and, hence, biased reporting, it seems that the aggregate of information presented here is a fair representation of what is taking place. Many […]

बहुध्रुवीयता – तानाशाही का मूलमंत्र : कविता कृष्णन

Guest post by KAVITA KRISHNAN [यह लेख The India Forum में अंग्रेज़ी में छपा और उसके हिंदी अनुवाद का एक संक्षिप्त संस्करण सत्य हिंदी में छपा. यहाँ हिंदी में लेख को पूरा (बिना काट-छांट के) पढ़ा जा सकता है.