Puerto Rico

Can Democratic Candidates Win Evangelical Voters?

My friend Samir Selmanović put most of this together to help Democratic candidates who have sizable evangelic communities in their districts. Neither of us, nor any of our VoteCommonGood colleagues think these communities should just be ceded to Republicans-- especially not when the head Republican is Donald Trump, anathema in too many ways to count to the people who are actual followers of Jesus.

Trump Claims “3,000 People Did Not Die” in Puerto Rico From Hurricane Maria

(CD) — President Donald Trump has been “lying about Puerto Rico from the start to make himself look better,” and on Thursday morning Trump lied once more by falsely claiming that a widely accepted academic study showing that nearly 3,000 Puerto Ricans died as a result of Hurricane Maria was “done by the Democrats” in an attempt to make […]

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahOn Tuesday afternoon, Señor Trumpanzee gave a special, and we mean oh so special, photo-op, complete with charts, direct from the Oval Office to discuss the coming of Hurricane Florence. It didn't take long for him to make the recent Hurricane disasters all about himself, particularly the effects of last year's Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico, an island of 3.4 million people he may not have known are American citizens.

Study on Death Toll in Puerto Rico Following Hurricane Maria Last Year Is Raised from 64 to 2,975

A few weeks ago, Puerto Rico raised its death toll from Hurricane Maria from 64 to 2,975. Critics say the death toll now is greatly inflated to qualify for more money from the US Congress as the Puerto Rican government has submitted a request for $139-billion for new projects. The likelihood of this being granted is in proportion to the number of deaths attributed to the tragedy. [...]

Recovery of Hurricane Ravaged Puerto Rico is Still “Decades” Away: Sonia Sotomayor

WASHINGTON—Relying on constant communication with family and friends there, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor says Puerto Rico’s recovery from last year’s smash by two hurricanes is still decades away.
And, she adds, the island’s difficulties are compounded by “a great deal of red tape” from the federal government.

Education in America: On the Mainland Teachers Marched, in Puerto Rico 95% of Students Did

SAN JUAN – On the U.S. mainland, teachers have been marching, organizing at the grassroots, for more money for schools. On Puerto Rico, it was the students – 94 percent of them.
That’s how many of the island’s students stayed out of class on May Day, the commonwealth’s Education Secretary admitted. The students were part of a mass nationwide demonstration – adults included – against austerity measures that include planned closing of 266 schools.