Publicly Subsidized Media

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Boiling Frogs Post is an information site completely independent from the establishment- those who come in many forms-whether foundations, sponsors, partisan agenda drivers or deep-pocket advertisers. Our stellar team of producers and independent analysts has been providing you untainted, bold, independent and nonpartisan facts, exposés and discussions through original video reports, podcast shows, daring commentaries, editorial cartoons and analyses.

Please Support BFP: A True Alternative Subsidized Solely by the People

Take a Stand & Make a Statement by Supporting a Real Alternative
Boiling Frogs Post is an information site completely independent from the establishment- those who come in many forms-whether foundations, sponsors, partisan agenda drivers or deep-pocket advertisers. Our stellar team of producers and independent analysts has been providing you untainted, bold, independent and nonpartisan facts, exposés and discussions through original video reports, podcast shows, commentaries, editorial cartoons and analyses.

Please Support BFP: A True Alternative Subsidized Solely by the People

Help Us Counter the ‘Dumb-ification of the Masses’A truly alternative media is a truly independent media: independent of foundation mega-bucks, independent of corporate-sponsors and billionaire Sugar-Daddies, and independent of mega-advertisement dollars. There is only ONE way for a truly independent alternative to exist, survive, continue and expand: The People- direct contributions, subscriptions and donations by the people.

A Dangerous & Absurd Disconnect: “Everything on the Internet Should Be Free!”

The Hidden Price of the Establishment Sugar Daddies-Backed Propaganda & Vulture Advertisers-Sponsored Free Content
The other day I was chatting with a man who was expressing his appreciation for our irate minority home-Boiling Frogs Post. Everything, all the brief communication, up to a certain point, was going well. Until … until he made the following comment: