public health

India’s Health Policy: A long tale of underachievement – Prakash Gupta

This is a guest post by PRAKASH GUPTA   Health has been the most neglected policy domain in India.The fact that India made it first National policy on Health in 1983, 36 years after independence itself reflects the level of priority for the state. India’s health policy, health financing in particular, suffers from ‘shifting goal … Continue reading India’s Health Policy: A long tale of underachievement – Prakash Gupta

200 Millions Americans Threatened by Toxic Levels of Carcinogenic Chemical in Tap Water

In 1993, Erin Brockovich was a key player in the case against Pacific Gas and Electric when it was found to be polluting the water of Hinckley, California with chromium-6, a carcinogenic chemical. Now, a new report by the Environmental Working Group has found that the chemical is actually still in the drinking water, threatening 218 million Americans.
Source: EWG

4 Crucial Ways The FDA Has Failed Us

Margaret Hamburg recently forfeited her title as commissioner for the FDA after 6 years of serving – one of the longest runs in recent decades. So what do you have to say about the six year tenure of Dr. Margaret Hamburg as Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration? Maybe if we look at a couple of aspects from the mandate of the FDA, we can more accurately come up with a grade on her performance as she departs. According to the FDA’s website, its mandate is as follows.