PT Barnum

How Will History Judge Trump? How About As An Entertainer-- Which Is Exactly What He Is (Plus All The Horrible Stuff)

They may regret it, but I don't see any Republican candidates trying to distance themselves from Trump. Quite the contrary. In primary races across the country-- and at every level-- Republicans are arguing that they are the most Trump-like and that their opponent is a faux-Trumpist. There are even red-state Democrats from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- say Joe Donnelly, Joe Manchin and Heidi Heitkamp-- who have gone out of their way to draw attention to the fact that they often vote for Trump's proposals and work well with him. But when it comes to Republicans...

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAs P.T. Barnum, the head of another famous circus once said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute." Actually, they are born at a much faster rate these days, and have been for quite some time.It seems that, in addition to a liking for Barnum, Traitor Don has read and studied the books of George Orwell and Adolf Hitler well. Those two authors are the obvious sources of Trump's style.

Trumpf Says When People Call Him P.T. Barnum He Takes It As A Compliment

I'd venture to guess that most people who have heard of Phineas Taylor Barnum (P.T. Barnum) think he coined the phrase "there's a sucker born every minute." He didn't, nor did Donald Trump, but both men have lived their lives as though they did. Barnum plagued American for most of the 19th Century, a hustler who Trumpf has modeled himself on. He was a businessman/showman, author and politician (briefly).