
Sold Singers by Raymond Nat Turner

Singing against backgrounds of crackling flames,
So low their bass reverberated Booker T,
Drowning out shouts and shots of the no-names
The big voices all crooned way, way off key
Mint-fresh faces of Franklin, Cleveland and Chase
Inspired their song with an “Amazing Grace”
Restricting our rhythm to a mellow pace:

“Black is beautiful, but green power
Sounds sweeter, not rocking the boat—
Being dutiful, seize the hour and
Let us lower our note…”

Cyber Monday: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Devolved Needs

Pardoning the turkeys
This is the pathetic nature of this Bennington Ad Cut-out Obama. Truly, a defining moment here, and one there, well, compiled, yes, Obama is rotten to the core, but it’s easy to play the current events and cultural consumerism game with this poser, this little Big Man. What was it, Eisenhower – that beastly thing – pardoned how many in his tenure as CEO of Corporate Amerika? Over 1,100. How many did Ray-Gun Committee on un-American (sic) Activities Ronald pardon? Over 300? We’re talking about incarcerated humans.

Pain on the One Side, Fear on the Other

The greatest challenge facing socialist organizations is learning how not to split. A veteran socialist said that in the 1970s. If we had we learned this lesson, the socialist left would be much, much larger today. But we have not learned it, and we remain relatively tiny. Since our primary goal is to grow, we need to examine what are we doing wrong, and what we must do differently.

Technocracy vs. Humanism (Then and Now)

In his recent book Harvard and the Unabomber, Alston Chase describes how Theodore Kaczynski, a 16-year-old Harvard student in 1958, suffered traumatizing abuse as an unwitting test-subject in a CIA-connected psychology experiment designed to manipulate human behavior under intensive isolation and harsh interrogation (and also ultimately: LSD and torture).  This humiliating, formative experience, Chase argues, shaped Kaczynski’s dislike for the techno-scientific manipulation and control of human beings.  But Chase also maintains that the Harvard Gen Ed.

Ecce Mortis: The Infocracy: The Castle

Visited The Network Castle where important and unimportant personages gathered to shoot the breeze. Visitors paid a fee to The Keepers of The Castle, received access.  Other requirement was a generic image provided by The Keepers (akin to rubber nose and goggles), or send The Keepers an image of your choice.
Submitted The Solitary Novelist. Most icons were movie stars, old and recent; television stars, old and recent; sports stars, old and recent; all species of celebrity, old and recent.

Ecce Mortis: Big Media Comes: Pursuit of Pure Talk

Horticultural heroics at the Public Relations firm. Office of the beautiful young Publicist. She harangued a client over the phone. Talk, talk. Every word a scream.
“Give the people what they want,” she said. “Tell the people what they want. Make the people want. Tell them, make them, give them. Understand?”
Slammed shut her phone. Wired, she addressed me.
“I’m right, you know. Look at me. Started low: restaurant and club openings, celebrity profile parties, City events. Junk publicity. Junk-pub.”

The Largest Source of Unregulated Methyl Mercury Pollution Today

Arctic ice may be melting. The methane levels may be rising, ice shelves breaking off with every news bulletin.
Here is one thing that some of those obscene profits of the greedy climate changing corporations could be seized for through taxation. Remedying the damage done in the rainforests of Peru, South America through the extraction of gold.

Radiation-Proof Undies — The Entire World is Laced with Diabetes Three

We are in the mad-mad-mad world of delusions and Pokémon. Sure, that Fukushima premature, err, glow, solved by dental lead bib over the ovaries and testes (see photo directly below). Yep, the world has gone to Type Three Diabetes. Quoting that article on radioactive proof of our dumbdowning DNA. Is it HFCS that’s eating away at our noggin? Those 10,000 newly compounded chemicals produced each year chipping away at IQ?