
Sigmund Freud VS. C.S. Lewis: God, Life & Love – Jay / Jamie (Half)

Jamie joins me to discuss and review the book The Question of God: CS Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Etc. The compares two radically different paradigms on how to deal with life’s big questions.  The work is a summation of a class taught at Harvard Medical Class dealing with ethics and psychology.  Part 2 will be available for paid subscribers to my work.   Moved to Tues. night due to lost power cord. LIVE in 10 mins!! 

Beware of THIS Kind of Person…

Nina from Inside the Mind of a Human Predator joins me to discuss human psychology and maladaptive traits noticeable in that section of the population known as the narcissistic psychopath.  The narcissistic pscyhopath is not a large portion of the population, but often makes up the upper “1%” as those with no qualms with morals and taboos are much more likely to engage in underhanded methods – but it goes much deeper – the NP feeds on your time, energy and identity like a psychic vampyre!


Interview 1515 – James Corbett on Reprogramming Your Fear Response

[audio mp3=""][/audio]James sits down with Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media in Acapulco, Mexico, to discuss the fear programming that keeps so many of us in line, and how we can turn that fear into positive energy. We also the important differences between the centrally planned cashless society and the rise of decentralized cryptocurrency solutions.

Interview 1508 – Declare Your Independence From the New World Order

[audio mp3="…"][/audio]Recorded December 18, 2019. James joins Ernest Hancock for his bi-monthly appearance on Declare Your Independence to discuss the New (multipolar) World Order, the false hope of the BRICS, and how to overcome (not weaponize) learned helplessness.