
Derek Rants & Raging Humanist - Mass-Psychosis, Collapse & Chaos - Hour 1

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Derek Rants & Raging Humanist joins Henrik to talk about Covid-19 developments, the gun grab in Canada, mass-psychosis among the population and the coming societal collapse. In the second part we discuss the importance of community and preparation. We also cover Jerry Nadler's comments about how antifa violence in Portland is a "dangerous myth." Don't miss this show.

Big Tech is trying to isolate us – Tucker Carlson snags Google [Video]

Tucker Carlson seems to be on track in the same manner as we are. On Tuesday evening, Tucker Carlson described how Google was employed by NBC News to try to cut off ZeroHedge and the Federalist sites. All that had to be done was to tell Google that these two sites are “far right” and add a “# Black Lives Matter” tag. And… to tell Google that these sites had “unmoderated comments sections.” Google then acted to try to restrict these sites, though the giant tech company itself has carte blanche to not be censored itself, thanks to a deal it secured from the US Congress.

Themes and Memes ep. 58 Tiger King review with Pearse Redmond

From Pearse Redmond joins Themes & Memes as a return guest. The Covid19 quarantine classic, Tiger King documentary, is the topic of discussion. A variety of issues such as high control groups, media analysis, and politics are discussed on this different kind of review. Download episode Show Notes: Relevant Links BCR Watch How to […]