pseudo alternative media

BFP Roundtable Video- Graham’s So-Called Smoking Gun, Saudi Arabia & Yemen

In this introductory episode Sibel Edmonds, Guillermo Jimenez and Pearse Redmond introduce the new BFP Roundtable Season and discuss new ideas and possibilities for coming shows. From there the panel quickly moves on to its first topic: Senator Graham’s so-called smoking gun (The infamous redacted 28-pages), the possible reasons for and timing of this old pickled issue’s circulation, in conjunction with the Saudi Arabia-Yemen angle and connections.

Please Support BFP: A True Alternative Subsidized Solely by the People

Help Us Counter the ‘Dumb-ification of the Masses’A truly alternative media is a truly independent media: independent of foundation mega-bucks, independent of corporate-sponsors and billionaire Sugar-Daddies, and independent of mega-advertisement dollars. There is only ONE way for a truly independent alternative to exist, survive, continue and expand: The People- direct contributions, subscriptions and donations by the people.

A Dangerous & Absurd Disconnect: “Everything on the Internet Should Be Free!”

The Hidden Price of the Establishment Sugar Daddies-Backed Propaganda & Vulture Advertisers-Sponsored Free Content
The other day I was chatting with a man who was expressing his appreciation for our irate minority home-Boiling Frogs Post. Everything, all the brief communication, up to a certain point, was going well. Until … until he made the following comment:

BFP ProPublica Report-Part 4: An Alternative Media Shop with Mainstream Media Advisors

The New Gold Mines in the US Business Arena: Government-Approved & Establishment-Funded NGOs
Four years ago two Wall Street men came together and said: ‘Let’s set up a new business and make lots of money.’ They thought and researched and thought some more until they found the best business model to empower and enrich themselves on a grand scale: A Tax-Exempt NGO to be posed as An Alternative Media. And they did it.