proxy war

BREAKING: Sergey Lavrov states Syria partition plans must be foiled

Authorities representing the foreign ministries of Turkey, Iran and Russia met to discuss the situation in Syria on Friday, 16 March. Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, met with Javad Zarif and Mevlu Cavusoglu. Other envoys were also present for the meeting to discuss the operation of de-escalation zones in Syria and also to deal with political and humanitarian issues.

America Loves Terrorists Abroad: ISIS as Proxy US Mercenaries

By all accounts, wherever the Islamic State has gained and held territory, its residents suffer terrible oppression and deprivation. Unless you are on their wavelength, you most likely agree that ISIS rule has been calamitous for its subjects. Both Obama and Trump have pointed out their badass nature on numerous occasions, not so much in sympathy for those they oppress but to raise fear levels of ISIS-inspired badassery here at home.

Will Venezuela Be The Battleground In The Next U.S.-Russia Proxy War?

(MPNThere’s no denying that Venezuela is deeply embroiled in a significant crisis. While most are aware of the country’s recent string of violent protests, food shortages and government crackdowns on opposition protesters, few are aware of the opposition’s use of underhanded and downright illegal tactics, as well as the United States’ role in funding opposition forces.