Protocols of Zion

Can opponents be friends?

By Michael Hoffman It has seldom been the case where this writer has been embroiled in a serious debate with someone and that person continues to exhibit good will and integrity toward us. Such equanimity constitutes Christianity in action, as opposed to Christianity as palaver. To quote Samuel Johnson, "Example is more efficacious than precept."Dr. Henry Makow practices what he preaches.

Response to Henry Makow on the subject of the “Protocols"

Dr. Henry Makow has written an essay, “Feckless Goyim Downplay Protocols of Zion.” His essay in the “Truthseeker" numbers this writer among the “feckless." It appears online at the link above, as well as other web pages. What follows is our response. [For a detailed study of this topic see Revisionist History newsletter No.