
How Vietnam War Protests Helped Mold America’s Modern Christian Right

In May of 1968, a high-profile trial began in Boston that dramatically illustrated a larger phenomenon fueling the rise of conservative Christianity in the United States.
Five men had been charged with conspiracy for encouraging Americans to evade the draft. One of the prominent defendants in the trial was a Presbyterian minister and Yale University chaplain, William Sloane Coffin Jr..
Coffin, like many ministers, vehemently opposed the Vietnam War, but many ordinary churchgoers supported it. This disagreement divided denominations.

Popes, Protestants, Palamas & Philosophy: Jay Dyer on GlobalStoryline

Dean Arnold invited me back to Global Storyline discuss Eastern theology more in-depth in relation to the foundations that divide – from filioque to St. Gregory Palamas, to the issues of Augustine and Aquinas, we investigate the theological and philosophical issues that led to the reformation, enlightenment and western atheism.