Protest Movements

Govt-Linked CSIS Urges DC To Partner with Social Media Firms To “Promote Protests Movements”

Widespread protests were a feature of 2020, engulfing 68 nations. However, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a pro-regime-change think tank based in DC, is most preoccupied with those in China and Russia.
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The ‘DAY of RAGE’ in London and the Very Dubious Connotations…

Seriously? A ‘Day of Rage’? The problem I have with this protest in London is two-fold. The first is wanting to ‘bring down the government’ (according to the event page on Facebook), which is totally wrongheaded. And I say this as someone who generally supports Jeremy Corbyn. The second reason is much more ominous to […]

Why the Anti-Trump Protests Are Necessary: And Why They Should Eventually Stop…

Before commenting on the protests still going on around America, I want to establish two things first. Firstly, Donald Trump won the election: eventually that will simply have to be accepted. Second, I really don’t have a clear sense of what’s going on at the moment behind the scenes or of what is going to […]

The Sioux & the North Dakota Pipeline: Why You Should Be Watching Closely…

The situation around the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota, which has been largely glossed over by much of mainstream US news media, appears to be disturbingly and dramatically indicative of the true dynamic – between citizenry on one hand and law-enforcement and state powers on the other – when the giant corporations (i.e: […]

DALLAS SHOOTINGS: American ‘Race War’ Psy-Op & the Toxic ‘Info Wars’…

Apparently, there’s a ‘Civil War‘ going on in America. Apparently the definition of ‘Civil War’ is becoming a very loose, meaningless thing to all the propagandists in both mainstream and (some) alternative media – all of whom should probably have a chat with someone in Syria or Libya to ask them what a ‘Civil War’ […]