
Proteins from Nuts, Seeds Are Heart-Healthy (But Proteins from Meat Are Not)

Researchers in California and France want to remind us that not all protein is created equal (at least when considering the nutrition of the entire protein-filled food). They say that meat protein is associated with a significantly increased risk of heart disease, while proteins from nuts and seeds are heart-healthy. [1]

Scientists Find Link Between Excess Sugar and Alzheimer’s Disease

We know (or think we know) that high blood glucose, or hyperglycemia, is linked to diabetes and obesity. But now scientists have also recently discovered a link between excess blood sugar and Alzheimer’s disease.
Researchers have established a “tipping point” link between excess blood glucose and the disease, meaning that people who eat a lot of sugar could be more likely to go on to develop Alzheimer’s. [1]
Omar Kassaar, a biologist at the University of Bath in the U.K., said in a press release:

Study: Eating more Plant Protein Offsets ‘Dangers of Eating Meat’

A new study suggests that those who consume animal proteins are at a higher risk for death than those who do not. This is even true when those who do not ingest animal proteins are heavy drinkers and smokers. The good news here is that replacing animal proteins with plant proteins seems to significantly reduce the mortality risk.

Analysis: Eating These Foods Could Extend Your Life

If you don’t get plenty of whole grains in your diet, you should. Whole grains are packed full of nutrients and complex carbohydrates that decrease insulin levels while providing sustained energy. They’re also loaded with fiber, which improves bowel health, helps regulate cholesterol levels, helps you lose weight, and helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Science Says Eating Protein can Make You Feel Fuller Longer

Don’t you love it when science backs up what you’ve always suspected was true? In this case it’s the idea that high-protein foods make you feel fuller longer. Researchers at Purdue University have my back on this one.
There are a lot of fad diets out there, and lots of advice on how and what to eat, some of it good, some questionable at best. But one good piece of wisdom has been: If you feel hungry throughout the day, eat more protein.