
Thoughts on Walter Block on Voluntary Slavery, Alienability vs. Inalienability, Property and Contract, Rothbard and Evers

I’ve long argued that you can’t sell yourself into slavery by contract. See KOL004 | Interview with Walter Block on Voluntary Slavery. Also: Some of my writing relevant to this topic and our discussion include: “Selling Does Not Imply Ownership, and Vice-Versa: A Dissection,” The Libertarian Standard (Oct. 25, 2022) KOL197 | Tom Woods Show: The Central […]

Libertarian Answer Man: Self-ownership for slaves and Crusoe; and Yiannopoulos on Accurate Analysis and the term “Property”; Mises distinguishing between juristic and economic categories of “ownership”

From X: Libertarian Answer Man, What Sayest Thou? “Crusoe owns nothing on his island, as there is no legal order. Does this include his body? He can control and use his body, but he doesn’t own it. Ownership is a legal relationship between an actor and a resource, that is recognized and respected by others […]

LIONEL PODCAST: Racist America Loves Racist News Spewing Racist Scheiße

Gee, what are the folks so upset about? Beats me. I’m doing OK. What’s the big deal? As reported by the UK Independent the Sandtown neighborhood of west Baltimore suffers (a) nearly 52% unemployment, (b) a life expectancy (69 years) 10 years shorter than the US average, (c) a median household income less than half the US average and (d) the nation’s fifth-highest rate of violent crime.

Washington State provides a way for anarchists to back up their “all taxation is theft” words with actions

My finding of this statute allowing for recovery of the payment of property taxes in Washington State under protest of duress is in response to a commenter laughably claiming that purported anarchist, Lew Rockwell, seeking a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status for the Mises Institute wasn’t a voluntary agreement. Here’s what a real anarchist would do if […]