
Michigan Residents Could Face 5-Year Prison Sentence, $10,000 Fine for Using Wrong Pronouns

If a victim says he or she is intimidated by another person and is a member of one of the protected classes, the accused person could spend five years in prison or pay a $10,000 fine. A former federal judge said this law will be used to "silence and financially cripple" anyone who has a "different viewpoint."

University of Minnesota Plans to Require Students and Professors to Use Preferred Pronouns Or Face Expulsion and Firing

The University of Minnesota has proposed a policy that could punish students by expelling them, and professors by firing them, if they do not use someone’s preferred gender pronoun.  Students are allowed to choose from a list of personal pronouns on the campus website: He/him/his, none, prefer not to specify, she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, or ze/zir/zirs.