Neofascist Push for Europe’s Implosion Is Not in EU Members National Interest
The European Union is under numerous existential threats.
The European Union is under numerous existential threats.
Alors que la bataille de Rakka touche à sa fin, qu’avec la perte annoncée de Mayadine l’Organisation de l’État islamique (OEI) n’est plus que l’ombre de ce qu’elle fut, nous avons souhaité obtenir les analyses de Gabriel Galice – spécialiste, entre autres, des conflits – sur les événements qui agitent la région du Levant, et les idées qui gravitent autour du concept de Grand Moyen-Orient.
2010 schrieb der heutige NZZ-Chefredakteur und vormalige NZZ-Auslandschef Eric Gujer ein Buch über den War on Terror zusammen mit Gary J. Schmitt, dem ehemaligen Direktor des Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
2010 schrieb der heutige NZZ-Chefredakteur und vormalige NZZ-Auslandschef Eric Gujer ein Buch über den War on Terror zusammen mit Gary J. Schmitt, dem ehemaligen Direktor des Project for the New American Century (PNAC). PNAC wurde 1997 von führenden Neokonservativen gegründet, darunter Dick Cheney. Die Gruppe forderte die weltweite Prädominanz der USA und antizipierte bereits im... Continue Reading →
To conclude this series of posts anticipating the imminent change of residents at the White House, it is worth paying mind to the issue of foreign policy. It’s funny how quickly the Trump campaign mantra of “drain the swamp” really, properly stopped being a thing. Not that I ever thought it was a thing anyway; […]
On this episode we are joined by musician, radio host, and film maker Robbie Martin. The two us discuss Robbie’s soon to be released film, A Very Heavy Agenda: A Catalyzing Event. The first of a three part film series, A Very Heavy Agenda deals with the neo-conservative movement and the impact that it has had on American politics and world events. Beginning with the 9/11 and anthrax attacks Robbie brings us through the powerful intellectual group that has altered geopolitical history. We explore the neocons as an intellectual force in America and how their premier gro
By Ismael Hossein-Zadeh | CounterPunch | August 7, 2015 In light of the fact that Israel is in possession of at least 200 (surreptitiously-built) nuclear warheads, and considering the reality that, according to both US and Israeli intelligence sources, Iran neither possesses nor pursues nuclear weapons, the relentless hysterical campaign by Israel and its lobby […]
Highlights from the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs programme, Newsnight, broadcast less than 10 hours after the attacks on September 11.
Notable for statements by Richard Perle, who appears keen throughout to imply a connection with Iraq and Iran — thus sticking to the Project for the New American Century script, of which he is co-author.