
How Liberals Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Military Industrial Complex

WASHINGTON — With March 19 marking 16 years of continuous war in Iraq, there is a distinct feeling of deja vu in Washington, as neocon figures like John Bolton and Elliot Abrams beat the drum for war in Venezuela. Liberals and progressives have traditionally been more critical of war and militarism than their conservative counterparts. But in the age of Trump, everything seems up for debate, and the media is trying to sell the military industrial complex to a more discerning, liberal audience.

On Israel-Palestine, Four Newly Elected Progressives Vary in Willingness to Walk the Walk

WASHINGTON – As a result of the midterm election, four recently elected women affiliated with the democratic-socialist PAC Justice Democrats will soon be striding through Capitol Hill as full-fledged members of Congress. These four women – Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley – have all been touted as “progressive” game-changers for having avoided corporate money during their primaries and for supporting policies like Medicare-for-all and abolishing ICE, among others.

Trump is king of GOP, Pelosi pulls House win, Progressives suffer setback

So much for a blue wave. Of all the three possible election result scenarios, Trump made midterm history, with a good overall Republican showing, by adding key seats to the GOP Senate majority, winning key Governor races, and losing the House in a moderate fashion.
According to the Gateway Pundit, thanks to President Trump Republicans picked up 4 new Senate seats on Tuesday with wins in Florida, Missouri, Indiana and North Dakata.

Democrats undergo progressive schism, as Trump disrupts entire US political structure (Video)

US President Donald Trump says he is “winning”, but what he is actually doing is disrupting the entire US political structure, and causing mass hysteria among the powerful liberal left media and wealthy socialite strata.
From a Russia collusion hoax to a fake TIME magazine cover, and now a Supreme Court justice seat suddenly vacant, Democrats are in full panic mode. Open-borders globalists are calling for a revolution, and Auntie Maxine is pressing her legion of zombies to confront MAGA hat wearers and “push back” against them anywhere they may be.

Secret Recording Reveals Exactly How Establishment Democrats Crush Progressives

(CD) — People have long known these kinds of conversations take place, but rarely is the regular voter allowed to hear exactly how it goes down. The Intercept on Thursday provided a brief and striking look into the Democratic Party’s “strong-arm” tactics by publishing a recording of Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), the number two Democrat in the House, attempting to […]