progressives vs reactionaries

Big Surprise! Reactionaries Don't Like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Odd how the establishment is perfectly fine with this, but rails hysterically against OcasioThe attacks against Alexandria Ocasio are coming in hot and heavy from a very freaked out establishment worried that their power is being challenged my someone with two much color, two few years, two little fealty to "the system" and too wedded to ideas that, if enacted, would do far more than Trump even meant about draining any swamps.

The DCCC Should Make An Effort To Learn How To Flip A Red District Blue By Backing Progressives Instead Of Conservatives-- Even In Georgia

Tuesday was special election day in quite a few districts. Here in L.A., Berniecrat Wendy Carrillo won the Los Angeles assembly district (East L.A., Echo Park, Silver Lake, Highland Park Chinatown, Eagle Rock) that Jimmy Gomez gave up when he was elected to Congress. She beat another good Democratic candidate Luis Lopez 8,81 (52.8%) to 7,868 (47.2%).

Yes, The Democratic Party Can And Will Survive The Scourge Of Corrupted Centrism

It was impossible to log on to DWT yesterday without knowing that woke iron worker and union activist Randy Bryce had announced his candidacy to bring new representation to southeast Wisconsin and oust the radical Republican Speaker of the House from Congress. The Democrats now have the ideal candidate to run against Paul Ryan. If you know anything of the history of the DCCC and this district, you’ll know they will not just do nothing to help, they are likely to work behind the curtains at their regular sabotage.

I Feel Badly Writing A Post Like This... I Really Do. And I Really Want To See Devin Nunes' Career End

The thermometer on the right puts the strongest and most effective voices of congressional Resistance to Trumpism all on one page. The men and women on the page that opens if you tape the thermometer are the ones who have put a lot of effort into calling out Trump on his outrageous excesses. But look at the names on that page. None of them are just sitting around all day taking pot shots at Trump, the way, for example, Adam Schiff-- who wants to run for Feinstein's US Senate seat-- does.