progressives vs reactionaries

The Only Way The GOP's "Socialism!!!" Message Will Work Is If They Can Spook The Democratic Establishment-- Which Is Not That Far-Fetched, Given The Wretched State Of Party Leadership

The roots of my political beliefs come from my grandfather, who arrived in New York as a young teenage refugee from virulently anti-Semitic Czarist Russian. He didn't have any money but he brought his work ethic, his admiration for education and his socialism with him.

Democrats Can Pile On About What A Nightmare Trump's Budget Is-- But Can't Come Up With One Of Their Own?

If the budget is a statement of values, the Democrats' presumed inability to unite behind one, speaks volumes about a party whose tent is too big to be functional. Trump's DOA budget will never get a vote but his intention of a high increase for the Pentagon and paying for his vanity wall by cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid is all anyone needs to know about his values and his party's values.

Who Would Sir Isaac Newton Vote For?

Almost every time I watch a Bernie Sanders speech or video, like the one above, I think, oh, that could be part of his 2020 announcement. Well... we won't have to wait much longer. I don't think anyone will be surprised to know that Bernie is getting close to announcing. And Saturday, Politico reported that his announcement video has been recorded.

Pick A Side: Joe Lieberman Or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Conservatives want members of Congress to look like the mug on the right, never like the young woman on the leftConnecticut Democratic primary voters basically kicked Joe Lieberman out of the party by denying him the 2006 Democratic nomination for the Senate seat he had held since 1994. He ran on the Connecticut for Lieberman Party that year.